Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Special Message

Today I'd like to talk to you about a serious problem effecting dozens of film stars every year:

Labilitis, more commonly known as "The Missing Lip."

Kevin McCarthy, a labilitis suffer himself, first brought this tragic condition to the public attention in his stirring portrayal of the lipless protagonist in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." He, along with longtime friend and fellow lipless star Rod Serling, would invest millions of dollars and years of their lives helping their fellow libilitis victims, exploring treatments and possible cures.
Years later, America would elect their first lipless President. Ronald Reagan would go on to do the labilitis community proud.
Despite this victory, the battle rages on. Kenneth Branagh currently heads the Guild of Lipless Actors with Determination, where research is under way in the promising field of mustaches.
With your support, we can continue the fight, and one day humanity can live free of the fear of Labilitis.
Thank you.

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