Sunday, February 1, 2009

First Post: Random Thoughts

Watching "Metropolis," I have basically two thoughts:
First is to point out how much better of an actor Alfred Abel (Jon,) seems to be than Gustav Fröhlich, (Freder.) Of course, given how early film was, I think, meant to be an extension of mime, that's hard to tell. Still, you could tell what Jon was thinking even when he was standing stalk still, and you could be confused as to what Freder was thinking even as he emoted like a mute opera singer.
"Oh my God, Maria's killing him with her mind! He's trying to fight her, but her will is too great! What an amazing- Oh, he's in love. Oops."
It might be reasonable to say that Abel was more in tune with modern acting ideas, but in the end it was probably just the director's way of making Jon seem less capable of emotion.

Second thought:
I thought it was great to see Robbie Coltrane pre-prising his role as Hagrid!

"The number 12 engine has blown a cylinder, I've found four more workers carrying secret plans, and Voldemort has been spotted out in the Forbidden Forest."

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