Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another Random Thought

Just a quick one here- in class we were talking about tributes, references, and parodies of sci-fi, right?
Well, this was one I just remembered while at work. (To start with, I should point out that this was the first time I've seen Metropolis.)
In the show Mystery Science Theater 3000, of which I am a fan, there was this mad scientist character called Pearl Forrester. She was malevolent for malevolent's sake. Sometimes, to punctuate an evil deed or plan, she'd give the camera an odd, lingering look- head tilted down, one eye half closed, the other wide with an arched eyebrow, and a weird smirk.
Because the show is filled with references, I tried for a while to figure out if that look meant anything, but eventually I just decided it was a generic "crazy look."

....huh. Whelp, case closed! Pearl was referencing Mecha-Maria.
Man I loved that show.

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